
Conclusions of the Bucharest conference

- 2009/06/11 -
The conference, organized by the Ithaka Foundation, in partnership with the Robert Schuman Foundation, and supported by the European Commission is part of a European project focussing on five European Member States: the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Romania and Spain.

The Bucharest event, benefiting the presence of Mr. Jean-Dominique Giuliani, President of the Robert Schumann Foundation, has gathered the most prominent women figures in the Romanian politics, such as: Mrs. Roberta Alma Anastase, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Mrs. Anca Boagiu, the Vice President of the Romanian Senate, Mrs. Maria Mota, the President of the National Agency for Gender Equality, Mrs. Cristina Pocora, the President of the Gender Equality Commission in the Chamber of Deputies and former member of the European Parliament, Gabriela Cretu. These high profile political figures have expressed their opinions in respect to gender equality in Romania and the challenges that women face when entering the political arena.

Documents liés :

Conference report Bucharest